Donate towards the Health Shuttle programme, a free community service.

The Health Shuttle programme is a free community service that transports people to essential appointments. St John provides a free Health Shuttle service to help people with health or mobility problems get to medical appointments in various communities throughout New Zealand. 

Your Donation
Donation Amount
Your Details

* A phone or mobile is required (Numbers only - no symbols or spaces e.g. 0212111498)

To set up your donation via credit/debit card, or Account2Account (bank transfer), please click ’Donate Now’:

Your privacy is important to us. St John collects your details to keep you informed about our work. You are welcome to contact us at any time to access and update your personal information or to opt out of receiving further communication at 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646).
View our Privacy Policy

Our Health Shuttle service is often used by older people who live alone and no longer drive.

Your donations will help keep The Health Shuttle service costs covered.

Donors are critical to our work here at St John. Without them, we simply wouldn’t be able to help as many people as we do. You can also pay by direct credit or by online banking:

  • Account Name – The Order of St John National Office
  • Account Number – 12-3244-0023915-00

Please remember to include your customer number and the reference  “SHU”.