This is no ordinary vehicle. This vehicle saves lives. It’s a lifeline. Please donate to the St John Health Shuttle service.
Help keep the St John Health Shuttle service moving. Please donate now.

Dorinda has a serious lung condition and is in permanent pain from a broken back. The St John Health Shuttle is the only way she can get to her appointment.  

Help keep the service on the road and keep people like Dorinda out of hospital. Donate now. 

Your Donation
Donation Amount
Your Details

* A phone or mobile is required (Numbers only - no symbols or spaces e.g. 0212111498)

To set up your donation via credit/debit card, or Account2Account (bank transfer), please click ’Donate Now’:

Your privacy is important to us. St John collects your details to keep you informed about our work. You are welcome to contact us at any time to access and update your personal information or to opt out of receiving further communication at 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646).
View our Privacy Policy

“There’s no public transport near me, I don’t have a car and I can’t afford a taxi. Without the St John Health Shuttle service, what would I do?” – Dorinda, Health Shuttle service client 


For people like Dorinda, the St John Health Shuttle service is a lifeline. Please donate now. 

About half of the people who use the St John Health Shuttle service have no other means of getting to their medical appointments. 


Please, help keep this vital service running. Donate now. 


Donate via bank transfer

You can also donate by direct credit or online banking:

Account Name: The Order of St John National Office

Account Number: 12-3244-0023915-00

Reference: Your St John Customer Number 

Code: JUL

Please provide the correct reference and code so that we can issue you with a tax receipt. 

You can also donate by calling 0800 ST JOHN