Hato Hone St John has been notified by Philips about a defect in the Philips M5071A and M5072A gel pad products. Please read on for further details.

We have been notified by Philips about a defect in the Philips M5071A (adult) and M5072A (infant/child) gel pad products for use specifically with the HeartStart HS1 AEDs/OnSite/Home. We are committed to ensuring that patient safety is not compromised, and have accordingly requested and are awaiting further information from Philips.

Please refer to the Product Defect Correction notice, which you should have also received via mail from Philips, it contains information about the defect and what you should do.  It is important that you read this notice and keep a copy with the Owner’s Manual. Note: the notice only applies to products supplied within the last 24 months and only applies to pads that are not expired.

What you need to do:

  1. Please review the Field Safety Notice on the Philips website concerning the nature of the defect and what you should do.
  2. If you have HS1 pads, please fill out the acknowledgement form and send to qr_anz@philips.com

Do not open or attempt to examine your pads.

If you would like to purchase additional pads, stock is available through our website. Philips will send out replacement pads, free of charge, when they have been redesigned. Philips expects to release replacement updated pads later in 2022.

If you have supplied Philips HeartStart HS1 Adult (product code M5071A) and infant/child pads (M5072A) to customers, please forward on this communication.

Can I still use my pads?

  • The defibrillator pads may still be used unless the gel has almost completely separated from the backing, as indicated in the notice
  • Do not open the foil seal to examine your Philips HeartStart HS1 defibrillator pads: The foil seal should only be opened for patient use in an emergency

How Philips are actively resolving this issue

  • Philips are not recalling the product, just informing customers of the defect
  • Philips are working on changes intended to eliminate the issue in M5071A and M5072A pads. Philips expects to release replacement updated pads later in 2022.
  • Philips are still honouring the 12-month warranty for the affected pads.

We will provide further updates on our website as additional information becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact Philips directly on 0800 251 400 option 7. 

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