Our free Caring Caller service connects people who need a friend with people who have time to listen and chat. Please refer to the questions and answers below for any questions you may have.

What is the Caring Caller programme?

Sometimes living alone or being house-bound means that people miss out on daily human contact - someone to chat to, laugh with and share news with. Everyone needs this sort of contact and the Hato Hone St John Caring Caller service provides just that. The Caring Caller service aims to provide the opportunity of friendship and regular contact over the telephone. On agreed days, a friendly Caring Caller can telephone you to have a chat and check that all is well.

Why do people become Caring Caller clients?

People become clients for many different reasons. Sometimes their spouse has recently passed away; others no longer have regular contact with family members; and some simply don’t have a network of friends any more. Clients can stay with the service long term or use the service temporarily while family and/or friends are away.

How do I become a Caring Caller client?

Register your interest online

You can contact us by phoning our Caring Caller team direct on 0800 780 780. They will ask you to complete an application form, or they can do this for you over the phone. This form gives us information about you, so we can find a volunteer Caring Caller who is going to meet your needs and share your interests. Once we have confirmed your Caring Caller, we work with you to decide on the best time and days for your caller to ring.

Have more questions?

If I want to be a client, do I have to pay?

This service is FREE. It is part of Hato Hone St John’s commitment to supporting local communities and contributing towards the wellbeing of all New Zealanders.

How many times does a Caring Caller call their client each week?

The frequency of calls is determined by the needs of the client.  Sometimes it’s just a call once a week to check in; other times it’s a daily call to talk about how your day has gone.

Can I choose my Caring Caller?

When joining the Caring Caller programme, both callers and clients fill in an application form that includes enough information for us to make a suitable match. We try to ensure that callers and clients have something in common, so they have plenty to talk about. We talk to you about your potential Caring Caller and make sure you are comfortable with the match before we confirm.

How do I volunteer to become a Caring Caller?

You can call Hato Hone St John toll free on 0800 ST JOHN (0800 78 56 46), send an email to enquiries@stjohn.org.nz or complete an online request. Someone from our community programmes team will be in touch to talk through the process.

Is there any training to be a volunteer?

Yes there is.  We have a high quality training programme that every new volunteer goes through. We also provide on-going support for our volunteers with regular information and refresher training.

Is there a support system if I or the client encounters any issues?

Yes there is.  We take our new volunteers through this in their training.  We also talk this through with new clients, so they are aware of what to do and how.  We have a number of support options available, depending on each situation and we remind our people of these regularly.

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