I was meant to survive

Alena Lynch |
Ann and John with the St John paramedics who saved her life

Ann and John with the St John paramedics who saved her life

In a miraculous story of survival Ann recalls the moment she thought she was going to die while choking on a piece of meat.

“The last thing I recall is thinking I’ve got too many things to do before I die,” says Ann.

Ann and her husband John believe the quick actions of St John saved her life.  Ann and John were at a social function when she started to choke.  In a desperate bid to help, people called 111 for an ambulance while others tried to clear Ann’s airway.

“Two men attempted the Heimlich manoeuvre but it wasn’t until the ambulance officers arrived that Ann’s airway was finally cleared,” says John.

In a truly moving story, Ann and John spoke of how close Ann came to dying and how they feel such a debt of gratitude to St John.

“This terrible event has certainly given us something to think about in terms of what is important and what isn’t.  One thing we will be doing soon with our family is to renew our wedding vows, complete with a new ring!” says John.

Ann is thankful that the accident happened where it did because it’s possible that if she had been at home, further away from an ambulance, she may not have made it.

“I believe I was meant to survive.  The ordeal was terrible for all of us but we have come through it and we owe it to St John.”

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