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St John’s Ebola virus disease preparedness

Robyn Bern |

St John New Zealand has been closely monitoring the situation with regards to Ebola virus disease. It is important for organisations such as St John to be prepared and we are....

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St John performance August 2014

Robyn Bern |

St John reports on immediately life threatening ("purple"), immediately life threatening or time critical ("red"), and urgent / potentially serious but not immediately life threatening incidents ("orange") incidents - in urban and rural locations....

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St John’s first annual cardiac arrest report

Robyn Bern |

Of the 38 people treated for cardiac arrest by St John each week, 11 are successfully resuscitated and transported to hospital. Six of those people will later be discharged – that’s a 15% survival rate....

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Victoria Hawkins |

An ACC funding boost helps St John increase frontline staff numbers by 158 in 35 locations across New Zealand....

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St John performance July 2014

M Street |

This document shows St John responses to 3 types of incidents - in urban and rural locations. The incidents are: immediately life threatening ("purple"), immediately life threatening or time critical ("red"), and to urgent / potentially serious but not immediately life threatening incidents ("orange"). ...

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Victoria Hawkins |

St John is proud to announce it has been voted the Most Trusted Charity in the highly competitive and respected Reader’s Digest Most Trusted Brands Awards. ...

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St John performance June 2014

Robyn Bern |

This document shows St John responses to 3 types of incidents - in urban and rural locations. The incidents are: immediately life threatening ("purple" ), immediately life threatening or time critical ("red" ), and to urgent / potentially serious but not immediately life threatening incidents ("orange")....

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St John managing weather in Northern Region

Robbie Walker |

There has been a St John communication outage impacting a large area of the Northern Region....

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Happy 90th birthday to Four Square from St John

Ian Henderson |

St John in the South Island decided to acknowledge the support of Four Square Supermarkets for their 90th birthday this year....

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St John performance improvements - May 2014

Robyn Bern |

This year to date (YTD) report highlights the improvements made over the last 12 months, in each district St John operates the ambulance service in. ...

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